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Statistics Summary Part 3: T-Test

29 Jun 2020 |

Categories: Math

Statistics 101


The t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student’s t-distribution under the null hypothesis.

A t-test is most commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the value of a scaling term in the test statistic were known. When the scaling term is unknown and is replaced by an estimate based on the data or it has the small samples ($n < 30$), the test statistics (under certain conditions) follow a Student’s t distribution. The t-test can be used, for example, to determine if the means of two sets of data are significantly different from each other.

Student t distribution table; Source

The t-test can be categorized into two:

  1. One-Sample
  2. Two-Sample
    • Paired
    • Unpaired

We are going to discuss each of cases in detail.

(1). One-Sample:

The One-Sample Test tests whether the mean of a normally distributed population is different from a specified value.

The workflow of the Test is as below:
Null Hypothesis ($H_0$): states that the population mean is equal to some value ($\mu_0$)
Alternative Hypothesis ($H_a$): states that the mean does not equal/is greater than/is less than $\mu_0$
t-statistic: standardizes the difference between $\bar{x}$ and $\mu_0$

$ t = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu_0}{ \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}} } $

Degree of freedom(df)=n-1

Formula for continuous data

Read the table of t-distribution critical values for the p-value, probability that the sample mean was obtained by chance given $\mu_0$ is the popluation mean, using the calculated t-statistic and degrees of freedom.

If the p-value is less than the predetermined value for significance, called $\alpha$ and is usually 0.05, reject the null hypothsis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

You are experiencing hair loss and skin discoloration and think it might be because of selenuim toxicity. You decide to measure the selenium levles in your tap water once a day for one week. Your results are given below. The EPA maximum contaminant level for safe drinking water is 0.05 mg/L. Does the selenium level in your tap water exceed the legal limit (assuming $\alpha = 0.05$)?

Day Selenium mg/L
1 0.051
2 0.0505
3 0.049
4 0.0516
5 0.052
6 0.0508
7 0.0506


$H_0: \mu \leq 0.05$

$H_a: \mu > 0.05$

Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the sample:


$s^2 = \frac{\Sigma{(x-\bar{x})^2}}{n-1} = \frac{(0.051-0.0508)^2 + (0.0505-0.0508)^2 + etc}{6} = 9.15 \times 10^{-7}$

$s=\sqrt{s^2}=9.56 \times 10^{-4}$


The t-statistics is:

$t = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu_0}{ \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}} } = \frac{0.0508 - 0.05}{ \frac{9.56 \times 10^{-4}}{\sqrt{7}} } = 2.17$

And the degrees of freedom are:

$n-1 = 7-1 = 6$

By looking at the t-distribution table above, 2.17 with 6 degrees of freedom is between $p=0.05$ and $p=0.025$. This means that the p-vale is less than 0.05, so, we can reject $H_0$ and coclude that the selenium level in the tap water exceeds the legal limit.

(2). Two-Sample:

The Two-Sample Test tests whether the means of two population are significantly different from one another. A common application is to test if a new process or treatment is superior to a current process or treatment.


Each value of one group corresponds directly to a value in the other group. ie: before and after values after drug treatment for each individual patient

Subtract the two values for each individual to get one set of values (the differences) and use $\mu_0=0$ to perform a one-sample t-test.


Assume the two population are independent.

$H_0: \text{means of the two population are equal}$ $H_a: \text{means of the two population are unequal or one is greater than the other}$ Test
$\mu_1 = \mu_2$ $\mu_1 \neq \mu_2$ Two-tail test
$\mu_1 \leq \mu_2$ $\mu_1 > \mu_2$ One-tail test: right-tail
$\mu_1 \geq \mu_2$ $\mu_1 < \mu_2$ One-tail test: left-tail


$ t = \frac{\bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}}{\sqrt{\frac{S_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{S_2^2}{n_2} }} $

Degree of freedom(df)= $ (n_1-1) + (n_2-1) = n_1 + n_2 -2$

Formula for continuous data

Read the table of t-distribution critical values for the p-value, probability that the sample mean was obtained by chance given $\mu_0$ is the popluation mean, using the calculated t-statistic and degrees of freedom.

Consider the lifespan of 18 rats. 12 were fed a restricted calorie diet and lived an average of 700 days (standard deviation = 21 days). The other 6 had unsretricted access to food and lived an average of 668 days (standard deviation = 30 days). Does a restricted calorie diet increase the lifespan of rats (assume $\alpha = 0.05$)?

Control Group 1 Treatment Group


$H_0: \mu_1 \leq \mu_2$

$H_a: \mu_1 > \mu_2$

(Because we are only asking if a restricted calorie diet increases lifespan)

The t-statistics is:

$t = \frac{\bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}}{\sqrt{\frac{S_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{S_2^2}{n_2} }} = \frac{700-668}{\sqrt{\frac{21^2}{12} + \frac{30^2}{6} }} = 2.342$

And the degrees of freedom are:

$(n_1-1) + (n_2-1) = n_1 + n_2 -2 = 12+6-2 = 16$

From the t-distribution table, the p-value (t-statistic = 2.342 with 16 degrees of freedom) falls between 0.01 and 0.02, so, we reject $H_0$. The restricted calorie diet does increase the lifespan of rats.
